TRNN presents full length documentary footage taken inside the World Trade Organization at the WTO 2018 Public Forum OWINFS session denouncing the WTO rules based order as a world system run by and for the...
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Taking an ever rising share of global income the real benefits of global trade go to the profits of the top 2,000 TNCs. The flip-side is falling wages and government revenues says Richard Kozul-Wright...
Think hard about the relevance of the 1948 Havana Charter for addressing the imbalances and inequities of the 21st century global economy says Richard Kozul-Wright noting that with the rise of neoliberalism...
The US is deliberately structuring global Internet governance to ensure unrestricted corporate freedom, favor its own surveillance apparatus and largely deny certain Internet services should be public...
Critical prerequisites like security for public users were missing in the internet’s large scale commercial implementation based on ARPANET technology and are still missing today as the US pushes forward...
Is Capitalism In Crisis? Author of ‘Karl Marx’s Capital & The Present’ Responds – C.P. Chandrasekhar
The fundamental proneness to crisis under capitalism was not overcome in the Golden Age of Capitalism and crisis in the late 1960s ushered in an era of finance by opening new avenues for accumulating wealth...
The question of whether or not banks should be stripped of their ability to create money goes to vote in Switzerland by national referendum. Of relevance to all modern capitalist economies, economist Jo...
The argument in favor of stripping banks of their ability to create money is based on a fundamental misconception of how the monetary and financial system operate says Jo Michell in discussing how the economy...
There is no easy monetary fix for the problems of modern capitalist economies; deep problems in the economy cannot be solved by trying to control the money supply; nothing is stopping the government from...
China’s Embrace Of An Intellectual Property System Imposed On It By The United States – Peter Drahos
The U.S. & China need to rethink the world’s intellectual property-based innovation system to safeguard citizen interests or else this privatization of technology, an arms race mentality in science, will...
Peter Dittus, former BIS Chief and author of ‘Revolution Required’ and Yilmaz Akyuz, South Centre Chief Economist and author of ‘Playing With Fire’ explain how financial fragility in the world economy was...
The deepened financial integration of the Global South is a further mechanism of Northern countries that is compressing wage income but debt – growing and massive accumulation of debt worldwide –...
Tactics by superpowers in new technologies like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence seeking further power under the guise of new E-Commerce rules being pushed at the World Trade Organization are denounced by...
Global inequality, household indebtedness, insufficient investment and stagnant economic recovery are the consequences of the dominance of large financial and corporate bodies in shaping globalization says...
Historically all major thinkers about the economy were development economists as they saw the economy going through transformative structural changes and that is what they studied, says Jayati Ghosh. This 4...
1947 was a year of political ambition, says UNCTAD’s Richard Kozul-Wright at the book launch of ‘The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development ‘ in posing the question, “Do we have...
None of the countries that actually developed did it without planning; social policies are as integral to strategies of economic development as purely economic policies explains C.P. Chandrasekhar at the book...
Change comes when enough people in a society realize what’s going on doesn’t work says Jayati Ghosh, co-editor of “The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development” a landmark volume that shows...
Safeguards need to be put in place so artificial intelligence can be used safely for everybody says Catherine Saez of Intellectual Property Watch reporting on events at the Artificial Intelligence summit...
Imperialism is about the struggle to control economic territories such as markets, workers and natural resources says economist, Jayati Ghosh who explains imperialism has gone through many different forms of...
The ability of nation states to regulate capital in the interests of their own citizens, workers and society was increasingly constrained in the 1980s by an international legal architecture says Jayati Ghosh...
Capitalism has always been remarkably agile is terms of responding to new conditions and creating new markets all designed to lift capitalism out of the stagnation that it has pushed itself into because it has...
We are not against intellectual property protection, but we want to see that health prevails when there is a conflict between a nation’s obligations under trade rules and that of its public health...
We must adopt a class-based analysis of globalization in order to attack the multilateral system that is producing inequality, advises South Centre Chief Economist Yilmaz Akyuz March 15, 2017 Produced by Lynn...
A binding solution needs to be established in international law and that’s what the Ecuadorian and South African initiative basically is trying to do says Ambassador Espinosa commenting on a UNHRC resolution...
One of the big gaps of international law is precisely the issue of clarity in jurisdiction. When there are problems with a violation of human rights and a lack of compliance, the issue is where to sue the...
Multinationals from US, Europe, and Japan collaborated to link intellectual property rights to trade culminating in the creation of the World Trade Organization with its Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of...
The architects of this trade agreement saw great profit from controlling the building blocks of the biological and digital technologies of the future, says professor Peter Drahos discussing the corporate...
Countries like India and Brazil saw early on how excessive monopoly protection due to intellectual property rights would be an impediment to development, says professor Peter Drahos discussing negotiations...
The globalization of intellectual property rights will not improve trade, competition, or the livelihood of workers; it leads to underdevelopment, says professor Peter Drahos discussing outcomes of the 1995...